Returns a data frame containing point estimates, the lower confidence limit, and the upper confidence limit on the risk ratio scale (through an approximate conversion if needed when outcome is common) as well as selection bias E-values for the point estimate and the confidence interval limit closer to the null.

  lo = NA,
  hi = NA,
  rare = NA,
  true = 1,
  sel_pop = FALSE,
  S_eq_U = FALSE,
  risk_inc = FALSE,
  risk_dec = FALSE,



The point estimate


The lower limit of the confidence interval


The upper limit of the confidence interval


1 if outcome is rare (<15 percent at end of follow-up); 0 if outcome is not rare (>15 percent at end of follow-up)


The true HR to which to shift the observed point estimate. Typically set to 1 to consider a null true effect.


Whether inference is specific to selected population (TRUE) or entire population (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE.


Whether the unmeasured factor is assumed to be a defining characteristic of the selected population. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether selection is assumed to be associated with increased risk of the outcome in both exposure groups. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether selection is assumed to be associated with decreased risk of the outcome in both exposure groups. Defaults to FALSE.


Arguments passed to other methods.


A selection bias E-value is a summary measure that helps assess susceptibility of a result to selection bias. Each of one or more parameters characterizing the extent of the bias must be greater than or equal to this value to be sufficient to shift an estimate (est) to the null or other true value (true). The parameters, as defined in Smith and VanderWeele 2019, depend on assumptions an investigator is willing to make (see arguments sel_pop, S_eq_U, risk_inc, risk_dec). The svalues.XX functions print a message about which parameters the selection bias E-value refers to given the assumptions made. See the cited article for details.


# Examples from Smith and VanderWeele 2019 # Obesity paradox example svalues.RR(est = 1.50, lo = 1.22, sel_pop = TRUE)
#> This selection bias E-value refers to RR_UY|S=1 and RR_AU|S=1 (see #> documentation)
#> point lower upper #> RR 1.500000 1.220000 NA #> Selection bias E-values 2.366025 1.738073 NA