Returns a data frame containing point estimates, the lower confidence limit, and the upper confidence limit for the risk ratio (as provided by the user) as well as E-values for the point estimate and the confidence interval limit closer to the null.

evalues.RR(est, lo = NA, hi = NA, true = 1, ...)



The point estimate


The lower limit of the confidence interval


The upper limit of the confidence interval


The true RR to which to shift the observed point estimate. Typically set to 1 to consider a null true effect.


Arguments passed to other methods.


# compute E-value for leukemia example in VanderWeele and Ding (2017) evalues.RR(0.80, 0.71, 0.91)
#> point lower upper #> RR 0.800000 0.71 0.910000 #> E-values 1.809017 NA 1.428571
# you can also pass just the point estimate evalues.RR(0.80)
#> point lower upper #> RR 0.800000 NA NA #> E-values 1.809017 NA NA
# demonstrate symmetry of E-value # this apparently causative association has same E-value as the above evalues.RR(1 / 0.80)
#> point lower upper #> RR 1.250000 NA NA #> E-values 1.809017 NA NA