A type of bias. Declares that unmeasured confounding will be a component of interest in the multi-bias sensitivity analysis. Generally used within other functions, its output is returned invisibly.

confounding(..., verbose = FALSE)



Other arguments. Not currently used for this function.


Logical. If TRUE, returns warnings and messages immediately. Defaults to FALSE because it is generally used within the multi_bias() function, which will print the same messages/warnings.


Invisibly returns a list with components n (2, the degree of the polynomial in the numerator), d (1, the degree of the polynomial in the denominator), mess (any messages/warnings that should be printed for the user), and bias ("confounding").


# returns invisibly without print() print(confounding())
#> [1] "confounding"
# Calculate an E-value for unmeasured confounding only multi_evalue(est = RR(4), biases = confounding())
#> This multi-bias e-value refers simultaneously to parameters RR_AUc, #> RR_UcY . (See documentation for details.)
#> point lower upper #> RR 4.000000 NA NA #> Multi-bias E-values 7.464102 NA NA